- Utrops utgave 01 – 2025 er ute nå! - 02.01.2025
- Forside av utgave 01-2025 - 02.01.2025
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«The levels of infection have gone up sharply in Europe during recent weeks. We have to do everying we can to avoid ending up in a similar situation in Oslo and Norway. This is why the City Government is tightening its measures to contain the Corona pandemic. Our main message to everyone is to limit social contact to a minumum, and to show solidarity with those who are most at risk from the virus. The higher the levels of infection, the harder it will be to prevent elderly people and other vulnerable groups becoming infected», said the Governing Mayor Raymond Johansen (Labour).
The City Government will introduce the following Oslo-measures, which take effect from 12 noon, 29th October:
- Compulsory face masks at indoor publicspaces (shops, shopping centres) where 1 metre distance cannot be kept.
- Compulsory face maskes indoors at pubs and restaurants for all employees and guests when not sitting at a table.
- No new entries to pubs and restaurants after 10 pm (22.00).
- Upper limit of 20 people at all indoor events which do not have fixed seating, down from 50.
- Compulsory home office working, and a requirement for all employers to document that their staff have been informed that they should do office work from home as far as is practically possible.
- You should not have more than 10 contacts during the week with people in social settings, apart for members of the your own household and cohorts at kindergartens and schools.
In addition to the national infection prevention measures, the City Government is continuing the following Oslo-measures:
- Ban on private gatherings with more than 10 people
- Compulsory face masks on public transport when you cannot keep one metre distance
- No alcohol to be served after midnight (24.00)
- Restrictions on recreational team sports for adults
- Maximum 200 people at outdoor events
The Governing Mayor Raymond Johansen emphasised that clear and serious breaches of the City’s infection-prevention regulations will be followed up.
«I have had a dialogue with the police earlier today and we will take steps to charge what we see as serious breaches of the infection prevention regulations. This applies especially to events where the rules are not kept.»
Johansen would like to thank everyone for generally observing and keeping to the Corona regulations in Oslo.
«The people of Oslo have shown that we can. That we care for the most vulnerable amongst us. That we are willing to sacrifice a lot so that we are all safe. The struggle against Corona is not a sprint. Neither is it a mountain climb, where we reach the top and go down again. The struggle against Corona is a long-distance run – where we don’t know how long the course is. This is why we must all make an effort, help out and get through this together», Johansen said.