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Hans Sverre Sjøvold, principal, The Norwegian Police University College
Violent Extremism in Britain:
Ranvir Dosanjh and Manny Barot
Norway’s Main Challenges:
Akhtar Chaudry (SV og Stortingets presidentskap)
Gro Smedsrud (Manglerud Politistasjon)
Laila Bokhar (NUPI)
Torkel Brekke (Civita)
Tore Bjørgo (Politihøgskolen)
Moderators: Åsmund Birkeland, Kari Helene Partapuoli
The Norwegian Center against Racism (Antirasistisk Senter)
The Norwegian Police University College (Politihøgskolen)
Ranvir Dosanjh and Manny Barot from Leicester are invited to Oslo by The
Norwegian Police University College. Leicester is an area in Britain with a
very diverse population facing significant challenges regarding extremism.
Ranvir Dosanjh and Manny Barot are experienced police officers and excellent
speakers. They have traveled to Oslo several times and taught at The Norwegian
Police University College. They have extensive knowledge about diversity in
Norway and strong views on the Norwegian development.
Entrance: Free
Les mer her: http://www.antirasistisk-