Wednesday November 13 th 2013 Ingeniørenes Hus 1245-1545
Registration – Send e-mail to toralv.moe@byr.oslo.kommune.no
1245 Vice mayor Hallstein Bjercke
Diversity’s opportunities – matching jobs and talents in Oslo
1250 Lars Kåre Legereid, CEO, Oslo Chambers of Commerce
Migration of Competence
1305 Inger Tone Ødegård, Director of strategy, Stavanger Chamber of Commerce
Stavanger Integration network
1320 Micheline van Riemsdijk, Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee
Integrating talent in Oslo and the capital region
1335 Andrea Louise Enevoldsen, project manager, City of Copenhagen
Torben Møller-Hansen, Director, Association New Danes
Copenhagen Diversity Charter
1400 Break
1415 Panel discussion, moderated by Toralv Moe, senior adviser to the City government
1515 Vice Mayor Hallstein Bjercke
Launch of the OXLO business charter
Hallstein Bjercke is Vice Mayor for Cultural Affairs and Business Development. Within the city government, Bjercke is responsible for overall municipal policymaking on integration and diversity. He has a Master of Business Administration, and has worked for IT-Norway and the think tank Civita, besides his various positions in the social liberal party Venstre.
He will launch the OXLO business charter, and speak about diversity’s opportunities – the policy on diversity and integration in Oslo.
Lars-Kåre Legernes is the CEO of Oslo Chambers of Commerce. He has a Master of Business Administration, and has held senior positions in Coca-Cola, L´Oréal and Oracle. Oslo Chamber of Commerce is a service organization for the business community. In addition to leading the daily operations of the chamber, Legernes’ main focus is on networking and international relations.
He will speak about migration of competence, and how cooperation between business and city can make the Oslo business region an attractive destination. Inger Tone Ødegård is director of strategy of the Stavanger Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Her background is in education, management and business. The chamber promotes business interests in the Stavanger region to ensure that the region has the merits to attract people to live and work here.
She will speak about the Stavanger INT Network, and the joint efforts by business, employment agencies and local authorities to recruit and retain international workers. Micheline van Riemsdijk is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, University of Tennessee. She has conducted research in Oslo, Kongsberg and Stavanger, and she was a visiting scholar at NOVA (Norwegian Social Research) and Fafo (Institute for Labour and Social Research).
She will speak about international skilled migration flows, and the lived experiences of skilled migrants in Oslo and Norway.
Torben Møller-Hansen is the director of the Association New Danes (Nydansker). He has a university degree in HR and leadership. The Association New Danes is an knowledge-based centre for diversity. Møller-Hansen has in collaboration with the City of Copenhagen worked to lower the barriers for ethnic minorities and immigrants onto the labour market and to make diversity management a natural and valued element within Danish industry.
Andrea Louise Enevoldsen is project manager in the Employment and Integration Administration of the City of Copenhagen. As part of the team at the Center for Inclusion and Employment, she works with the Engagement in Copenhagen project, promoting diversity in business and employment. Andrea Louise Enevoldsen and Torben Møller-Hansen will present the Copenhagen Diversity Charter.
Toralv Moe works in City Hall, Oslo, as a senior adviser in the Department of Cultural Affairs and Business Development. He holds a Master of Anthropology. His main responsibility is development of municipal policy on integration and diversity, including the city diversity campaign for tolerance OXLO – Oslo Extra Large. Toralv Moe is the facilitator for the seminar, and moderator for the panel discussion.