Sudan slave Mende Naser now totally free in U.K.

Former Sudanese slave Mende Nazer has been granted a refugee status in U.k.

In December last year, the Anti-Slavery international argued: “…Ms. Nazer would face difficulties which would bring her within the scope of the 1951 convention [UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees] were she to be returned to Sudan. For these reasons it has been decided to recognise her as a refugee and grant her Indefinite Leave to Remain in the United Kingdom.”

Usually in Sudan, children and women first victims are abducted and conduct into forced labour or slavery. Despite the Sudan Government’s denial of slavery in the country, its history and the situation today in that country are real proof.

Mende Nazer had been lucky to be granted the refugee status in U.K. because if she was sendt back that could result in her arrestation in Sudan or even her condemnation.

The 22-year-old in a book published in Germany entitled: “sklavin” meaning “slave” gives a detailed account of her life and enslavement in Sudan and of how she finally get to freedom in Europe.

The 9th December2002, the Spanish Coalition Against Racism, Xenophobia and Discriminations awarded her with the International Award for European Human Rights for her bravery in speaking out and telling her story.