- Endless Journey - 11.12.2012
As the day turns to night,
And the night turns to day
As days make weeks and months
Months again make more years
I find myself restless
My destination is unknown
My journey is endless!
I wander alone in a white field
Covered by the blue sky
I don’t know where I belong to
I ask my self, who am I?
I wander alone in a white field
Packing my heavy baggage
I don’t lift my head up high
Hopelessness is a thick cloud
There won’t be bright day
The cloud shattered the blue sky!
The invisible heavy burdens
Worries, thoughts, hopelessness
Feeling pushed and spited
not knowing what comes next
Time becomes meaningless
Being different is a curse!
Seeking to unload my burden
looking for a safe place
I wander alone under the cloud
“They” think I am by nature ”nomad”
But let me tell you what I feel
I am a boat on dry land!
Leoul Mekonen (født 1970 i Etiopia) jobber som studieleder ved Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse (R-BUP) Helseregion Øst og Sør. Fritiden bruken han blant annet til å skrive dikt.